Monday, July 22, 2013

A Look At The True Voices Poetry Channel

I will not step foot in a church if I can help it. Quite honestly, they wouldn't want me in the pew. I would be asking questions and disagreeing with some of the interpretations of a book that has been transliterated hundreds of times by man and by language. I say let's kick it back to the Aramaic version and then let's talk.

God's word may be infallible but human beings are by nature jacked up from jump street. What has this got to do with poetry videos?

I will tell you. True Voices is a Christian poetry video channel on YouTube. It is mainly performance and slam type poetry. I came across Thee Apprentice video which lead me to True Vocies and that lead me to a place of questions.

Thee Apprentice's video It is a good example of performance poetry videos, the man has some flow and I was curious so I as I checked out other videos on the channel I was willing to be open. I have to tell you my willingness dropped as I viewed other videos.

There are poets with talent but I have to tell you I have concerns about their interpretation of faith. There are people of faith using poetry to proselytize. There are poets who are speaking from life experiences and other who stand hip deep in the pulpit.

Some of the poetry is offensive. I either disagree with them or flat out reject their interpretation of Love and Spirit.

I am not a Christian. But I am human and I don't like it when people use the name and icons of Spirit to hate on others who are not Christian.

Is your faith so weak that you must damn Atheists? That is how you show your love?

Ain't having it.

So, I can do one of two things. I can pretend that I never saw the channel and walk away. Or I can honor my spirit that says in part to respect the act of discovery. Let the viewer decide what he or she wishes to view. There are exceptions. This isn't one of them.

In other news, still a lump of coal.

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